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Are you currently taking Mandarin 12 at your high school? If you are, you may be eligible for the $500 BC-China Award for Excellence in Chinese!

In order to be eligible to apply for this award, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Ordinarily reside in BC
  • Be school-age (not older than 19 years of age by June 30, 2017)
  • Be enrolled as a full-time Grade 12 student at a public or independent school in BC
  • Have completed a Mandarin Chinese language course at the Grade 11 level in BC with a minimum course grade of 86% – course completion attained through challenge, equivalency or other course credit is not eligible
  • Be enrolled in or have completed a Mandarin Chinese...
Category: News Article
Kyla Oshanek
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So your study abroad experience has ended. Perhaps you are home and looking for a summer job, or permanent employment. Your study abroad experience has changed your life, but did you know it can also land you your dream job? There are many skills that you have gained during your time abroad that set you apart from other applicants. Here are a few to help you turn your next job interview into a conversation about your study abroad experience and help you land the job:

  1. Ability to work independently: Whether you travelled abroad alone or with a group, you were no longer within your support network. Forced out of comfort zone, you had to make decisions and plans independently. Your employer will value your ability to think and work independently with confidence. 
  2. ...
Category: Writers In Residence
Malavika Santhosh, Simon Fraser University
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It is nearing the end of what has been a dream of a semester abroad at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Having travelled to over 30 cities in the past four months, I must admit that although studying abroad is everything it is glorified to be and more, there are a lot of moments of utter chaos and confusion that lead to those picture perfect moments. Instances of homesickness, fitting in, and balancing school work with travelling, along with maintaining a social life in fear of missing out. The truth is that, sometimes you find yourself in situations where you have no idea what you’re doing and miss the comforts of familiarity at home. 

However, despite not understanding the language, you find comfort amidst the smiling faces of strangers. Through the wrong turns taken down narrow windi...

Category: Student Blog
Brittny Schroeter
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We would like to thank everyone who entered the 2016 year end BCSA Contest. We received lovely stories, photos and albums from a wide cross-section of students and alumni.

BCSA helps make short-term study abroad more accessible, affordable and enjoyable for students from BC post-secondary institutions. The BCSA contest is hosted annually, so remember to check back again next year and participate to win great prizes!

Thank you again, Study and Go Abroad, for sponsoring our grand prize of a GoPro Camera!

The winner of our grand prize is Brittny Schroeter from College of the Rockies. Brittny is in her third year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at College of the Rockies in Cranbrook, BC. She participate...

Category: News Article
